Timelapse of Falcon 9 and Dragon going vertical pic.twitter.com/WEp20JfU9t
— SpaceX (@SpaceX) October 27, 2021
Category Archives: nuezone
Let’s design and build a house
Learning wall
Morning class Poland
Computer History Museum’s
After doing a little research in my time at home, it seems that there are a couple of good examples when it comes to computer museums. I’m sure there will be lots of others around the world that are equally as good as these but today I’d like to share information about two museum’s, one in the USA and one in Great Britain.
The CHM or Computer history museum is situated in the heart of silicon valley, Mountain view CA. The museum computerhistory.org has a great website, I especially enjoined the pages relating to timelines computerhistory.org/timelines/. Check out Timeline of computing history or Internet History 1962 to 1992 from the timeline page. Also someting I particually liked the This day in history page which detailed computer events from history.

The second computer museum I would like to mention is here in the UK. The National Museum of Computing (TNMOC) is based in Block H, Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes. Bletchley Park has been on my radar for a while now as a place I need to visit due to it’s connection with code breaking. To be honest I was unaware of (TNMOC) until today but it’s been a great find. Why not check out the virtual tour before you visit, Microsoft timeline or learn more about the galleries at the museum.

Working at home week – What am I learning?
Hour of code by Code.org is a brilliant set of resources to be used to encourage a new generation and existing generation to understand coding. I’ve just been learning that you can use different events (inputs) to edit your own version of the Flappy Game. The resources include a really good instruction video and ten easy coding exercises to build your coding ability. The exercises allow you to code, run and if necessary debug any errors in your code.