Games, projects and educational cool stuff for you to do.
Check here for cool stuff
Stop Disasters Game
Your mission is to develop communities, build housing and save lives. There are five disasters, with each disaster you receive a scenario, money and a list of resources to provide defences against the disaster. It’s great fun, so why not have a go!
(Stop Disaster opens via your browser and we take no responsibility for you playing the game on your device). Stop Disasters is a game created by playerthree for the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Solar System Kits
Got this fantastic solar system kit from Amazon. Assembled and painted by myself and my 6 year old lab assistant. Great fun researching the planet sizes, colours and order from the sun. Not overly expensive and the pack comes with two solar system kits.
Little Alchemy game – One of pupils in class today asked to play on I was interested by the name and found an interesting simulation game which allows the user to use two elements to make a third. The user starts with some basic elements and combines them to make interesting new elements. The pupil in question was shouting “I’ve made a dragon” and “I’ve made a skyscraper”. Browser version available and play at own risk.

Ticket to Mars – Get your ticket and your name will go to Mars on the next flight.

Make a Paper Mars Helicopter – Another great project from
How to start and below sizes in Mm to draw your own helicopter with a pencil, ruler and paper.

Explore Mars – Mars Rover Game
Explore Mars and collect rock samples as drive your rover over the tough Martian landscape.

Mars Helicopter using Scratch
I have added a video and a page link to making your own Mars Helicopter game using Scratch. This and other great ideas are on the website.
Help – If you are attempting the Mars helicopter challenge and you are struggling to download files or save your work, I have made the project with backgrounds and the sprite already downloaded. Select the link here.
Help – If you need help with the code for this project, I have added some video tutorials below.

In this video I will add left and right arrow keys and code.
Always remember to test as you add code.

Always remember to test every time you add or edit code.